Black bear inspecting a chicken house surrounded by electric fence


Do you need help with electric fencing?

Setting up an electric fence system can be a daunting challenge if you haven't done it before. To assist county residents in the process and provide some incentive to make where they live safer for both people and bears, Bear Smart Durango offers an Electric Fencing Incentive Program for managing backyard attractants.

Financial Incentive & Assistance

Bear Smart Durango provides La Plata County residents with a financial incentive of up to $100 in electric fencing materials to deter bears from small-scale backyard chicken coops, beehives, fruit trees, compost, and more. Bear Smart Durango offers assistance with design, acquiring materials and installation. Program participants are asked to cost share on materials and participate in the installation. Note that electric fencing is not allowed within the city of Durango.

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